Reporting Absence and Pick-Up
Please find below information about how and where to report different types of absence.
For all absence, reporting provide your child's full name and class.
T: 020 8883 3412
Non-attendance at the start of the school day
We always require absence information, including unplanned absence, to be reported daily before 9am.
If your child is absent please:
- Call or email the school office before 9am.
- Provide a clear message with your child’s full name and class and a brief reason for the absence (e.g. religious holiday).
- Unwell pupils: If your child is unwell, we ask that you report your child as off ‘sick’ and briefly describe their sickness (e.g. temperature, headache or has vomited etc). By describing your child’s sickness this will enable the school to track and manage a sudden increase in occurrences of the illness and identify whether we have a localised outbreak of the illness (e.g. virus).
Reporting Pick Up
If your child is going home with someone different to their regular person collecting them or not attending their club , please remember to communicate arrangements via the admin email before 2:45pm stating your child’s full name and class, who is collecting them and any other relevant information.
Please do not email teachers as they are unable to check emails during the teaching day.
Official Appointments
If your child is going to be absent for an appointment such as:
- medical (e.g. dentist, hospital appointment) or an
- an official appointment (e.g. visa application, passport office)
Families must provide proof of the appointment to the school office via email. Please remember to include your child's full name and class in all correspondence.
All Other Leave Requests
Please complete an exceptional leave of absence form for all other leave requests. You can find this form on our website under the Parents tab. Click here to go to access online absence request form.