Guide to being a Governor
Type of Governors
The Governing Body is made up of 11 individuals from the local community, including the Headteacher. Gary Robson is the elected Chair of the Governing Body at Tetherdown School. All Governors are elected for a 4-year term, save the Headteacher who is Ex Officio and Associate Members who are appointed annually.
We have:
- 4 Parent Governors - parents of pupils of the school who are elected by the parent body.
- 4 Co-opted Governors - elected by the Governors to bring necessary expertise.
- 1 Local Authority Governor - nominated by the Local Authority.
- 1 Staff Governor - elected by the staff at the school.
- Associate Members - elected members who work with the Governing Body to provide a required level of expertise. Associate members have voting rights on committees they have been appointed to.
- The Headteacher is automatically a Governor.
Role of Governors
The role of the Governing Body is to make important decisions for the school, plan all aspects of the schools’ development and monitor and evaluate its progress. In essence the Governors have the ultimate collective responsibility for ensuring that the school is well managed and run and meets its statutory obligations. They are not involved in day-to-day activities and issues at the school this is the remit of the Headteacher.
It is the Governing Body's duty to:
- Set the strategic direction, vision and ethos of the school.
- Monitor and challenge the progress of the school in achieving its priorities.
- Recruit and appraise the performance of the Headteacher.
- Exercise employer responsibility.
- Ensure the school(s) meet its statutory responsibilities.
- Ensure financial probity.
- Ensure the premises are well managed.
- Report to the school’s stakeholders.
- Hold the Headteacher to account.
How Governors Work
Each Governor is a member of one of two committees which focus on particular aspects of the school’s management, meeting on a regular basis to look into specific areas of responsibility. In addition, Governors attend two full governing body meetings per term and annual planning days. Each Committee has its own elected Chair. Tetherdown Committees and Chairs are:
Learning & Community Committee
Chair: Dawn Barnes
Resources Committee
Chair: Juliet Natali
For further information about School Governors in Haringey visit: