The study of computing at Tetherdown creates innovative opportunities for children to develop a love of learning and using technology. It helps children to have a broad, deep understanding of computing and how it links to their lives. Computing at Tetherdown, explains the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science; building on children’s analytical problem-solving skills as well as their ability to evaluate and apply information technology. It teaches children to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. This enables children to become responsible, confident and creative digital citizens.
At Tetherdown, we implement our curriculum with a focus on 3 key areas: Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology.
Digital literacy
Regular online safety lessons and workshops raise awareness within school and the local community about the possible dangers of using the Internet and mobile technologies, and to advise on ways in which to reduce risk. Issues such as cyberbullying, online wellbeing, screen time/ addiction, the reliability of information and ‘stranger danger’ are also reinforced within PSHE lessons and whole school assemblies.
Computer Science
Learning to code encourages children to become creators, not just consumers, of the technology they use. Coding encourages the development and use of critical thinking, algorithms and programming. Step-by-step coding projects support children to create games, animations and digital stories. Our coding lessons blend online and "unplugged" (non-computer) activities to teach students computational thinking, problem-solving, programming concepts and digital citizenship.
Information Technology
Teaching children to use technology purposely and safely, whilst exploring computer networks and Internet services. At Tetherdown, we use computers to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange electronic data and information. Cross-curricular links ensure computing is integrated across other areas of the curriculum. This enables the children to develop and embed important skills as well as exposing them to technology regularly.
What it Looks Like
Our high-quality computing education enables our children to be able to:
- Confidently use a range of hardware and software; computers, laptops, Ipads, robotics
- Purposely create, manage, organise and collaborate digitally.
- Use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside their progression technical skills.
- Solve complex problems using computational thinking (decomposition, patter recognition, abstraction, algorithms)
- Apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty in order to lead happy and healthy digital lives.
- Deal with any online safety issues in a responsible and appropriate manner, following appropriate protocols.
- Critically make informed and appropriate digital choices, extending beyond school.