Year 3 Stone Age Exhibition

The pupils confidently showcased their stone age model or artwork.
Year 3 have been working incredibly hard this term on their topic, the Stone Age. As part of their learning, the children were tasked with creating a presentation on a chosen aspect of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, or Iron Age. They also had the option to create a model or piece of artwork to complement their research. Over the past two weeks, they confidently presented their work to the entire class and their parents, showcasing their impressive knowledge and creativity.
On Friday, we held a special exhibition to celebrate their achievements, which was both informative and inspiring. The children enthusiastically shared their work with many of the adults in attendance, demonstrating their deep understanding and passion for the topic.
We are incredibly proud of our Year 3 students for their hard work and dedication!
Link to our Photo Gallery page for more pictures of our Stone Age Exhibition.