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Year 5 Wonder Exhibition, Assembly & More!

Their infectious enthusiasm filled the room as they shared their knowledge!

Wonder Exhibition

Well done Y5 Classes for your successful ‘Wonder’ Museum Assembly! This half-term, the children captivated the Y5 parents and Y4 children with their creative audiobooks, persuasive letters and independent learning posters. Their infectious enthusiasm filled the room as they shared their knowledge and parents were awestruck by the vibrant posters which showed the children’s in-depth research and exploration of R.J. Palacio’s book.

Ancient Egyptians Assembly

We loved performing our assembly on the Ancient Egyptians! We worked hard to project our voices and deliver our lines clearly. We learnt so much, from Pharaohs and servants to mummified bodies and ancient market stalls!

Royal Collection Trust Coronation Competition

Congratulations to our 5 KS2 finalist of the LGfL and Royal Collection Trust Coronation Competition. We cannot wait to see your innovative designs displayed in the Family Pavilion at Buckingham Palace!