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Remote Learning

Online Learning Guidance During Isolation

Managed on Teams by Tetherdown staff and the Oak National Academy.

Guidance on isolation periods will be provided to you at the time (advice changes often).  Choose the right year group (do not go outside, of these parameters). Your child should access online learning provided by Oak National Academy.

Your child must undertake a Maths lesson, an English lesson and a Foundation activity.  You should devise a timetable of up to one hour per subject per day (flexible, dependent on age); providing a structure to the day is incredibly valuable.  Your child should also read daily, practise number bonds or times-tables, and if possible, keep a simple journal or diary to gather thoughts and feelings.  Your child's class teacher will make contact with you to check on progress.

Our Remote Learning Plan (Spring 2022) provides guidance and advice for a number of scenarios to support your child's absence which is downloadable below.